american football api
Our American Football API is a comprehensive platform for accessing various american-football-related data. It includes endpoints for retrieving information about stadiums, match statistics, and players' and teams' data.
The API is updated frequently, with some endpoints refreshed every minute to ensure users can access the latest information.
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*Find us on RapidAPI
what can you build
with our american-football api?
Player Performance Tracker
Utilizing player statistics endpoints, you can build a tool that tracks the performance of players throughout the season, providing insights into their progress and condition.
Transfer Market Analysis Tool
With real-time updates on player transfers, create a platform that analyzes the transfer market, offering predictions, trends and insights into how transfers affect team dynamics.
League Information Aggregator
Use the leagues by class endpoint to aggregate information on different leagues, providing a one-stop platform for fans to get all the stats, standings, and news.
Match Match Live Feed
By accessing the matches endpoint, create an app that offers a live feed of match matches, giving fans real-time updates on games as they unfold.
Team and Coach Database
Exploit the team's and coaches endpoints to build a comprehensive database that profiles teams and their management staff, offering historical and current season data.
Match Prediction Algorithms
Utilize historical and current season data to build predictive models for match outcomes, which could be a service offered to fans or betting companies.
Some of the odds you can get from
the american-football API
European Handicap Odds
Fetch live and pre-match odds for a specific match using European handicap betting rules.
Correct Score Odds
Obtain odds for predicting the correct score of a game, updated live and pre-match.
Double Chance Odds
Find odds for double chance bets where you can bet on two out of three possible outcomes.
Totals Odds
Get odds for betting on the total number of points scored in the game, including live updates.
Tied at the end of Regulation Odds
Access odds for predicting whether the game will be tied at the end of regular time.
The coverage of all betting types.
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