handball api
Our Handball API is a comprehensive platform for accessing various handball-related data. It includes endpoints for retrieving information about stadiums, match statistics, and players' and teams' data.
The API is updated frequently, with some endpoints refreshed every minute to ensure users can access the latest information.
*No credit card needed
*Find us on RapidAPI
what can you build
with our handball api?
Handball News Aggregator
An app that pulls the latest handball news, updates, and articles from different leagues and tournaments.
Sports Betting Platform
Leverage the real-time odds and live match updates to offer a comprehensive betting platform specifically tailored for handball enthusiasts.
Fantasy Handball League
Create a fantasy sports app that allows users to form their own teams and compete based on real-life match statistics and player performances.
Handball News and Analytics
Develop an analytics dashboard that provides insights and detailed analysis on handball matches, player stats, and league standings.
Training and Coaching Tools
Utilize the detailed game and player statistics for training tools that help coaches and players analyze performances and improve strategies.
Match Management
With access to schedules, lineups, and standings, create tools for organizers to manage tournaments and leagues more efficiently.
Some of the odds you can get from
the handball API
Over/Under Odds
For betting on the total number of goals to be over or under a certain number.
Asian Handicaps
Offers handicap betting options that can level the playing field between two unevenly matched teams.
Double Chance Odds
Betting on two out of three possible outcomes for a match to increase the chance of winning.
Half-Time/Full-Time Odds
Betting on the outcome of the first half and the full game.
Full-Time Results
Betting on the outcome at the end of the match.
The coverage of all betting types.
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