basketball api
Our Basketball API is a comprehensive platform for accessing various basketball-related data. It includes endpoints for retrieving information about stadiums, match statistics, and players' and teams' data.
The API is updated frequently, with some endpoints refreshed every minute to ensure users can access the latest information.
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*Find us on RapidAPI
what can you build
with our basketball api?
Analytics Platforms
Analyze player performance, team statistics, and league trends to offer insights to coaches, scouts, and analysts.
Fantasy Basketball Apps
Use real-time data to power fantasy league platforms, allowing users to draft players, form teams, and compete based on actual game statistics.
Player Tracking Apps
Offer detailed profiles and statistics of players, tracking their career progress, season performance, and media appearances.
Team Management Software
Help team coaches and organizations plan rosters, analyze season performance, and strategize for upcoming games.
Sports News Aggregator
Compile basketball news and updates from various leagues and distribute them through a centralized news platform.
Match Match Live Feed
By accessing the matches endpoint, create an app that offers a live feed of match matches, giving fans real-time updates on games as they unfold.
Some of the odds you can get from
the basketball API
Double Chance Odds
You can obtain the odds for a double chance bet for a specific match. It is also possible to get live double chance odds or pre-match double chance odds based on the match ID.
Total Points Odds
Developers can access odds for total points for a match, including live and pre-match odds.
Odd/Even Odds
This endpoint provides the odds for betting on whether the total score will be odd or even.
Moneyline Odds
Users can get the odds for moneyline bets for specific matches. This also includes live moneyline odds and pre-match moneyline odds.
Half-Time/Full-Time Odds
This provides the odds for predicting the outcome at half- and full-time.
The coverage of all betting types.
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