badminton api
Our Badminton API is a comprehensive platform for accessing various badminton-related data. It includes endpoints for retrieving information about stadiums, match statistics, and players' and teams' data.
The API is updated frequently, with some endpoints refreshed every minute to ensure users can access the latest information.
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what can you build
with our badminton api?
API Data Aggregator for Research
Collect and aggregate data for academic or commercial research on sports science, economics, or management related to Badminton.
Badminton Sports App
A mobile application providing users with live scores, match updates, league standings, and detailed player and team statistics.
Fantasy Badminton League
An online platform where users can create fantasy teams, score points based on real matches, and compete with other fans.
Match Analysis Tool
A tool for coaches and players that analyzes match statistics to help improve game strategies and player performance.
Weather Impact Analysis
An analytical tool that examines how different weather conditions affect match outcomes, player performance, or game dynamics.
Sports News Portal
A website aggregating the latest badminton news, tournament updates, and editorial content on players and matches.
Some of the odds you can get from
the badminton API
Asian Handicaps Odds
The API provides Asian handicap odds for specific matches, with the ability to fetch both live and pre-match odds using the event ID.
Home-Draw-Away Odds
The odds for three possible outcomes—home win, draw, and away win—are available for users. This type of bet is common in sports betting and can be queried for live and pre-match scenarios.
Correct Score Odds
For those interested in precise predictions, the API provides odds on the exact score of a match.
Match Winner Odds
Odds on the winner of the match can also be retrieved for both live matches and before the match.
Odds Movements
This feature allows tracking the fluctuations in odds, which can indicate changes in public sentiment or reaction to news related to the event.
The coverage of all betting types.
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